Some of you may realize I've put a new song on the blog! Haha.. that's my current favourite of the moment. Saw and heard the song on MTV one day and found it really cool. Anyway, Chen Qi Zhen (Taiwanese singer) has always been a singer I kinda admired because she is good friends with Mayday! (concert coming in August. *SCREAM PEOPLE*) But I've never really paid much attention to her until this song. Anyway, what really made me like it was the tune and some of the lyrics. 


What I can't bring with me in this life, what doesn't live eternally, I leave it all to Him


I'll let Him hold me in the palm of His hands and I'll just freely live.

Caveat: I'm not really sure what the lyrics of the whole song mean, much less connect the title yu (fish) to the meaning of the song. But at least these 2 lines jumped out at me, and since I can't ask the songwriter what she meant by this, I shall just take it to mean whatever I think it means. So if Cheer Chen (the singer) can explain to me what her lyrics mean, I'll gladly amend my interpretation of it.

So there! I've justified what the song is on my blog. Hope you guys like it to. Sorry.. song of the moment is in Mandarin, cuz although I'm an English teacher, I listen mostly to Mandarin songs. 

BUT! Akan Datang! My next post will be BOOK OF THE MOMENT! That will definitely be an English book, so look out for it!

I have reason to suspect that the same person posting irresponsible comments are the one and the same person. Let this be a stern warning. DO NOT let me find out who you are, or I will bring discipline action against you. 

Come on, just because you are hiding a computer doesn't mean you lose all decency and respect for yourself. Look at the way you talk! Do you actually think it's cool or that you're open-minded? It just looks bad on you.  And it is possible to check where you are and who you are. You are not totally anonymous. It just takes a bit of effort. And I will take the effort if you continue to make me angry. If you still want to retain an ounce of respect people have for you, stop your nonsense and don't appear in my blog again. 

For the rest, I changed the settings of my cbox. You need to register before you can post. I know it's very ma huan, but sorry... I thought I needn't do that, but apparently because of some irresponsible and immature people, we have to resort to this. I don't want anyone to be hurt just because they wanted to be nice and leave nice comments on my tagboard. I apologize to all the people who have been hurt by this person - Pamela, Melvina & Dingci. I hope you can also forgive and move on. Just don't be bothered by people like that. 
I've come to realize today how important HOPE is. Man is a funny creature. We can lose a lot of things - boyfriend/girlfriend, money, career - it all don't seem to crush us. Somehow, in the midst of our sorrow, we know and we believe, deep down, all these will pass and we will be able to carry on. However, if we lose hope, if we stop thinking that there will be a brighter day tomorrow, then all will be lost. We stop working hard, we stop smiling, we stop thinking, we stop talking, we stop loving, we stop opening up, we stop sharing because - what is the whole bloody point of doing all those things? There is no more hope. 

But what if, just what if, you are wrong? That things you do today CAN be accumulated for tomorrow? That things you do tomorrow WILL accumulate for next year, and so on? Likewise, the things you DON'T do today WON'T accumulate for tomorrow and the things you WON'T do tomorrow CAN'T accumulate for next year? If we give up now, this is the end. This is it. No more sequel to look forward to. BUT, if we don't, there will be hope. Maybe we'll lose, but maybe we'll win. And I think we will win eventually, because success always come to those who refuse to give up. 

Wanna share a verse from the bible with you. 
Romans 5:3 - 5 "Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."

I know you are suffering, but what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger. And when you get stronger, you will be able to persevere more. And persevering more makes you hate giving up, and finally, we can have hope. 

So my dear friend, I wish you hope, above all things. Please remember Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a HOPE and a future."