I've often wondered how people start blogging about their life? Who do you talk to? Who is the intended audience? Is it even presumptuous that you assume people out there would like to read and follow your blog? So I asked myself, what is my purpose of blogging. I think I start (restart) blogging because:

i) I think I may have an audience! My hubs, who asked me to consider blogging in the first place. Maybe he wants to keep track of what I do at home and with baby, or he just wants to see photos of what we are doing at home during the day.

ii) I also want to take down bits of my life now, while I'm lucid, and one day, when I'm not, I have something I can read to remember what I've done and enjoyed. I did keep a diary when I was young and it was fun reading bits of my life captured in a tableaus and scenes.

iii) I do have thoughts and opinions about certain things that I'd like to share with people who want to read.

So here goes!  Hope you'll find something here that will encourage you or put a smile on your face!

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