Some of you may realize I've put a new song on the blog! Haha.. that's my current favourite of the moment. Saw and heard the song on MTV one day and found it really cool. Anyway, Chen Qi Zhen (Taiwanese singer) has always been a singer I kinda admired because she is good friends with Mayday! (concert coming in August. *SCREAM PEOPLE*) But I've never really paid much attention to her until this song. Anyway, what really made me like it was the tune and some of the lyrics. 


What I can't bring with me in this life, what doesn't live eternally, I leave it all to Him


I'll let Him hold me in the palm of His hands and I'll just freely live.

Caveat: I'm not really sure what the lyrics of the whole song mean, much less connect the title yu (fish) to the meaning of the song. But at least these 2 lines jumped out at me, and since I can't ask the songwriter what she meant by this, I shall just take it to mean whatever I think it means. So if Cheer Chen (the singer) can explain to me what her lyrics mean, I'll gladly amend my interpretation of it.

So there! I've justified what the song is on my blog. Hope you guys like it to. Sorry.. song of the moment is in Mandarin, cuz although I'm an English teacher, I listen mostly to Mandarin songs. 

BUT! Akan Datang! My next post will be BOOK OF THE MOMENT! That will definitely be an English book, so look out for it!

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