I watched a really cool show that day - "Fireproof". Basically, it was a story revolving a fireman who was going through a divorce with his wife. The fireman's father gave his son a book - it's called the Love Dare. It was a book of 40 dares, one for each day, for one person to do for his / her partner. So, for example, the first day's challenge was for the fireman to not say anything mean the whole day. The second dare was to do something nice for his partner etc. 

The point of raising this movie was, at the 20th day - halfway, the fireman felt really tired to doing all these nice things for his wife but his wife did not appreciate and even started to question his motives. His father told him one thing, "The 2oth day is always the hardest. You've stepped too deep into the dare, yet too far to see the end." 

I'm disappointed with regards to my students. The self-study programme has started about 2 weeks with 2 more weeks to go. My students are tired, I'm tired of staying back, some are giving me attitude, some are playing monopoly when they're supposed to be studying. I'm pissed, I'm angry, I'm frustrated. I feel like giving up. Why do I care when you don't even want to? By right, since I've called your parents, I have absolved myself of all my responsibility. You want to study, when you want to study is no longer my problem. After all, I'm not your mother. 

I know all these justification is a cop out. I know if I give up halfway, I will feel very disgusted with myself in the end. If I give up now, what difference is there between me and 15 year old students? Then God reminded me of the movie. Halfway through is always the hardest. I'm too deep in but too far to see the end. 2 weeks have passed but these are the 2 crucial last weeks. I I think.. I will not give up. The programme will continue. I will continue to stay back. I will not let them give up. Those who hate me can continue doing so. I would rather them hate me and pass than they fail and all I can say to that is "I told you so" at the end of the exams. That's the last thing I want to see.

By the way, this is the movie trailer for those interested. Probably a little mature for you guys since it's about marriage, but oh well, it's a good movie. No harm right? 

Wow! We made $115 today! From pretty much nothing. :D Nah, of course with somethings... with pretty glasses and salt and a funky code and free transparencies. Honestly, I'm beginning to see my students in a different light. They are really very creative and entrepreneurial. I mean, when they called me yesterday evening saying they wanna make salt candles, I was like "sure or not? Can sell meh?" or when Zainul said "The text photos will be a hit!" I was like "Yeah... right." But anyway, since they wanted to do it, I was okay with it. Quite glad I let them do it, and tried to overcome some minor obstacles - like no photo paper and no printer. So.. I think we did pretty well as a class! I guess there's a reason why I'm a teacher and not a businesswoman. Sigh.. just no business acumen la. 

Very proud of my class T-shirt too! After months of haggling, bargaining, discussing, negotiating, quarreling, peacemaking, brokering, we finally got 39 people to agree to a design, to 3 colours and the price. Not too bad really. Quite impress
ed that we got it so soon today, just in time for Garage Sale! Totally didn't expect it, so it was a nice touch. Well done 3EB! Didn't pay much attention to the words until Ms Low pointed out to me - 3EB 2009, 4EB 2010 - "Wah, you so sure you going to be their form teacher next year ah?" Hmm... come to think of it, yeah... so many question 
marks from now till next year. So many.. unknowns. But nevertheless, I think for my students, it is a bold assumption on my part that ALL will be able to promote to 4EB next year.  I will be terribly sad and upset if any should fail to make it. And maybe, just maybe.. I'm beginning to think following them up is not that bad an idea... Just maybe... ;) 


It's really not funny to have food poisoning. Amid all the controversy about the Geylang Serai Temporary Hawker Centre, I suffered from a case of food poisoning over the Good Friday weekend. It's probably a punishment for being too greedy as I was actually full, but still insisted on my banana prata and bandung cinno. Thursday night was a real torture as my joints and bones were aching. I knew I was coming down with a fever. The pain that wracked my body was so bad that it was unspeakable and could not be relieved. Of course, I didn't think of panadol, cuz too sick to think straight. My husband was snoring away loudly, which made me even more mad... Of course, none of it was his fault, but the wrath of a woman is never quite justifiable or reasonable. Then, he made up for it for whole of Friday, Saturday and Sunday by being extra nice to me.  

The next day, Good Friday, was a Groundhog Day's nightmare between the bed and the bathroom. The good thing was... they are next to each other. The bad thing was... they are next to each other. The colour of my stools is unmentionable - but I will never see a science QA experiment in the same light again. So I didn't go to school today cuz I wasn't up to screaming at 40 people, but I will try tomorrow. Doctor gave me more charcoal pills, but seriously, after so many, I've now swung to the opposite of diarrhoa. Now, I have constipation. Just great.. 

Well, I do thank God for tiding me through cuz at certain points, I did think I was going to - not make it -. (Die is a bit strong, "not make it" sounds better.) Once again, children, food poisoning is not funny and can cause debilitating effects on one's health. I think someone even told me her grandma was one of the 2 victims who died in the Geylang Serai food poisoning. Handle your food with care and wash your hands before every meal.