Hi 2EC,

I would like you to think about what we spoke about last week.

1) Is Code-switching (changing from a high register of English to a lower one and vice
verse) useful in your daily life?

2) If you can't code switch, how will it affect you?

Okay... that's all, have a happy Chinese New Year! And remember to code-switch when you talk to your elders and cousins and friends. Otherwise, you may not be able to get big angbaos! :)
To all,

I apologize for my thoughtless comment. I have learnt a precious lesson in keeping my comments to myself from now on. But honestly, it was meant as a joke, to Yongsheng especially. I guess I misread that he could understand and take it.

I planned this whole lecture in my head about taking responsibility for our words, and after that, I realized that this lecture is first and foremost for myself. So I take responsibility for stating derogatory comments about a Taiwanese star and accept all criticisms about my failure as a caring and concerned teacher. I will also take your suggestion of spending less time reading your blogs and more time with my family and husband.

I just want to caution you that many of your comments, like mine, are defamatory as well, and if I wanted, I could hold you responsible in the eyes of the law. But Pamela, I'm not that childish and I don't want to pursue it further. But if anything, if your words can bring a woman of 25 to tears, how much more your hurtful words to your friends and/or enemies (ie. people you don't like). So the next time you hate someone, I urge you, for your own sake, please reconsider their feelings cuz the same thing could happen to you too.
I was wondering what thoughts you guys had after the "mini-lecture" on poverty. Do you like such content-based English lessons? Or would you rather do comprehension, composition, grammar etc.

Found this IN MY NAME advertisement. Stars are coming out and using their influence to compel their governments to end world extreme poverty. Will we be the generation?

Anyway, it would be great if you can respond to these questions (or whatever thoughts that flow):
1) "What do you think of microfinancing?
2) Do you think it can eradiacate poverty altogether?
3) Do you think Singapore (as a society) takes care of our poor?

Love to hear from you in your blogs.
Dear 3B1,

These are possible links for you to explore getting more information for your situational writing. I hope it's helpful!

List of poorest countries in the world:

Grameen Bank - http://www.grameen-info.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=68

Microcredit - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lnzF3KVaow

UNICEF - http://www.unicef.org/mdg/childmortality.html

Healthy nutrients in sheep's milk - http://www.nutraingredients.com/Consumer-Trends/The-healthy-potential-of-sheep-s-milk

Sheep itself - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheep

Land seizures force Cambodians to be homeless - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/world/asia/27cambodia.html

Cambodia Housing - http://www.photius.com/countries/cambodia/society/cambodia_society_housing.html
I've got a burning and important question.... HOW TO LINK????

haha.. I'm using the programme called Bloglines to track all your blogs. So I'm reading all of your blogs from there. You can check it out if you want! You will know who updated and who didn't, so you can just read those updated ones.

I apologize for the lack of content in my blog. SO BUSY!! I hate it when I'm preparing today for tomorrow's lessons. Haha... oopss.. that was supposed to be a secret. ACTUALLY, I PREPARED YOUR LESSONS MONTHS IN ADVANCE!

Anyway, yeah... see ya in class real soon....
To my 3B1, I really have to apologize for the bungle. I wish I could just say "nevermind la. I'm the teacher, don't need to apologize", but it was my screw up that I booked a room that had less than enough working, competent computers, and even brought you guys to the wrong room. So, I'M SORRY. HAHA.. that meant I'm sorry by the way, in Webdings.

Anyway, this week, for your blog assignment, just say something about yourself, or comment on something, or tell me about your favourite band/singer/activity/game/movie, basically anything!

AND PLEASE include a comment box and / or a tagboard in your blog. Go to "Template" --> "layout" --> "add widget" --> "add comment box". If don't know, ask your blogger friends. They can help you!

The weekend will be here soon! We will all survive Week 1.
I wonder what's up today. I just watched the youtube video of Dr. Randy Pausch's last lecture (before he died), and then in the evening, I watched Bucket List with Skai. If you don't know this show, it's this one here.

Basically, it's about 2 elderly guys (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) who have terminal cancer and they decided to write a list of things to do before they pass on. It was a list of things they had always wanted to do before they "kicked the bucket", hence, the list was called the Bucket List. Hmm.. I don't know, I guess it was just very poignant to see 2 men nearing the end of their lives doing fun things like skydiving or going on a Safari tour in Africa and even getting reconciled with estranged daughters and families. The film begs us to think about the end of our lives. What do we want others to say about us when we die? That we've been smart? We've made a lot of money?

Morgan Freeman mentioned 2 questions:
1) Have you found joy?
2) Have you brought joy to the lives of others?

To add to those questions, I want to challenge my Christian friends and family.
1) Are we being transformed to be like Christ everyday?
2) Have we touched others with the love of Christ?

Difficult questions to answer but definitely necessary. I pray all my family, friends, students, colleagues will live a worthy life that will leave others wishing that you were still here.
Just something to think about.

Yeah... My house is clean, my toilets are clean, Shaokai has cleaned the floors...

I feel accomplished as a Saturday (only) housewife. Hmm... I wonder if the youths will come over and compliment me on my clean house. HINT HINT!
Setting up a blog is extremely easy! By the end of the lesson, you will have to set up a blog, write a short introduction of yourself (about 150 words) and complete your first post. After you do that, you can play around with the aesthetics of your blog.

Setting up your blog
1) Register your email account and password at www.blogspot.com
2) Go back to your email account to activate your blog.
3) Go back to create your own blog.
4) Name your blog. (blog title and address can be different) (follow the instructions there).
5) Choose a template.
6) In your blog, please add the following:
Click on "Settings", click on "Site Feed", make sure you allow "Full" in "Blog Feeds".
7) Start blogging!
I officially created this blog on the 1st of January 2009!! I got addicted to the html coding and
spent hours finding for the perfect skin, coding all the widgets, making sure the alignment was
respectable and it was surprisingly fun making my blog perfect! Of course not perfect because by the time I was done (not really), I realized I had no more energy to post anything. Anyway, who
cares about a really nice blog without any quality posting right? By the way, if IT courses offe
html coding, GET ON BOARD. It is absolutely the oldest, mouldiest smelliest IT course you can
take, but it never seems to get obsolete. My rudimentary knowledge of it (I learnt it in
secondary school!) was enough to help me edit codes and get this blog out. So... it is best value of
money and time!

My new year resolutions:

1) I will procrastinate less. (haha... I said less, I didn't say I WON'T procrastinate)

2) I will not complain.

3) I will let go and let God do whatever He wants.

I'm not perfect, but I try...