I wonder what's up today. I just watched the youtube video of Dr. Randy Pausch's last lecture (before he died), and then in the evening, I watched Bucket List with Skai. If you don't know this show, it's this one here.

Basically, it's about 2 elderly guys (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) who have terminal cancer and they decided to write a list of things to do before they pass on. It was a list of things they had always wanted to do before they "kicked the bucket", hence, the list was called the Bucket List. Hmm.. I don't know, I guess it was just very poignant to see 2 men nearing the end of their lives doing fun things like skydiving or going on a Safari tour in Africa and even getting reconciled with estranged daughters and families. The film begs us to think about the end of our lives. What do we want others to say about us when we die? That we've been smart? We've made a lot of money?

Morgan Freeman mentioned 2 questions:
1) Have you found joy?
2) Have you brought joy to the lives of others?

To add to those questions, I want to challenge my Christian friends and family.
1) Are we being transformed to be like Christ everyday?
2) Have we touched others with the love of Christ?

Difficult questions to answer but definitely necessary. I pray all my family, friends, students, colleagues will live a worthy life that will leave others wishing that you were still here.
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