To my 3B1, I really have to apologize for the bungle. I wish I could just say "nevermind la. I'm the teacher, don't need to apologize", but it was my screw up that I booked a room that had less than enough working, competent computers, and even brought you guys to the wrong room. So, I'M SORRY. HAHA.. that meant I'm sorry by the way, in Webdings.

Anyway, this week, for your blog assignment, just say something about yourself, or comment on something, or tell me about your favourite band/singer/activity/game/movie, basically anything!

AND PLEASE include a comment box and / or a tagboard in your blog. Go to "Template" --> "layout" --> "add widget" --> "add comment box". If don't know, ask your blogger friends. They can help you!

The weekend will be here soon! We will all survive Week 1.
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