To all,

I apologize for my thoughtless comment. I have learnt a precious lesson in keeping my comments to myself from now on. But honestly, it was meant as a joke, to Yongsheng especially. I guess I misread that he could understand and take it.

I planned this whole lecture in my head about taking responsibility for our words, and after that, I realized that this lecture is first and foremost for myself. So I take responsibility for stating derogatory comments about a Taiwanese star and accept all criticisms about my failure as a caring and concerned teacher. I will also take your suggestion of spending less time reading your blogs and more time with my family and husband.

I just want to caution you that many of your comments, like mine, are defamatory as well, and if I wanted, I could hold you responsible in the eyes of the law. But Pamela, I'm not that childish and I don't want to pursue it further. But if anything, if your words can bring a woman of 25 to tears, how much more your hurtful words to your friends and/or enemies (ie. people you don't like). So the next time you hate someone, I urge you, for your own sake, please reconsider their feelings cuz the same thing could happen to you too.
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